Sign up for the 2024 Parker Lake Poker Rally!
A wonderfully clear, clean, family-friendly lake located on State Route 82 in the southeast corner of Adams County Wisconsin- 3.2 miles west of the town of Oxford, WI. Parker Lake is a seepage lake with no inlet or outlet.
Adams County Lake Alliance
The Parker Lake Association is a member of the Adams County Lake Alliance. The purpose of Adams County Lake Alliance (ACLA) is to serve the people of Adams County, Wisconsin through member groups (qualified lake associations and lake districts) who are interested in preserving, protecting and, restoring Adams County’s waters and fisheries while creating a healthy environment for the flora and fauna that depend on them.
Parker Lake Lodge
Open to the public, the Lodge is located on the east side of the lake, just off of SR 82 and the Snowmobile Trail. When you’re not on the lake, the Lodge is the hub for social life for Parker Lake. The Association holds special, educational and social events there as well as its Annual Member Meeting. The up-to-date happenings at the Lodge are on Facebook.