Wayside Walk-in Site
The wayside has access from Hwy 82 and is a good place to have a picnic and launch your canoe or kayak. Launch is a “walk-in” off a concrete walkway on the west end of the wayside.
Parker Lake Lodge Launch
3263 N Parker Lake Road
Trailer launch boat ramp available
Launch fee is $5
Fish in Parker Lake
- Pumpkinseed
- Black Crappie
- Bluegill
- Yellow Perch
- Largemouth Bass
- Northern Pike
Boating Rules and Regulations
Eurasian Water Milfoil
Following a year in which we chemically treated the lake for Eurasian Milfoil, the board has decided to take a “Control & Monitor” approach in 2019.
On May 22nd, 2018 Parker Lake in conjunction with the DNR was chemically treated through a hired contractor, Cason & Associates. Cason spot treated four, major beds (attached PDF) by chemically injecting a contact herbicide, Aquastrike. This treatment was deemed a success and later confirmed by the DNR’s fall, 2018 Point Intercept Mapping of the lake.
Control & Monitor Efforts 2019:
- Assemblance of small team of lake residents to physically monitor the lake for EWM and any propagation.
- PLA sponsored Hand Harvest event.
- Continuing education on EWM and other AIS lake issues. Board members to attend the Wisconsin Association of Lakes Convention held in Stevens Point this April.
- Attendance at Adams County Lake Alliance meetings and correspondence with agencies dealing with EWM.
- Potential, contracted Fall Survey of lake as deemed necessary by board once growing season is underway.
PLA believes Eurasian Water Milfoil is a persistent, invasive plant that simply will not be eradicated from Parker Lake. We will make continued efforts to control its propagation and preserve the beauty of Parker Lake.
Personal Flotation Devices (PFD’s)