2024 Poker Rally
Or email parkerlakeinfo@gmail.com to sign up!
You are invited to attend the Annual Labor Day Weekend Poker Rally; everyone is invited, so please pass this on to your family and friends. All proceeds will benefit the Parker Lake Association. There will also be other games at each stop, so bring some extra dollar bills with you to participate in the fun. Each stop will be marked on the road and the shore, so you are welcome to travel by boat, kayak, walk or drive.
This year following the Poker Rally event, we will have a potluck at Mark’s Parker Lake Lodge. We will have the delicious Pulled Pork as our main dish! If you will be attending, we would appreciate you giving us your name, email address and the number of people attending in your group. Please click Please Sign Up above and/or send us an email at parkerlakeinfo@gmail.com to register for the event.